2008年12月21日 星期日

RJ 5洪定心

Les Bourgeoisies

49774229  洪定心

Name of the book: Tuesdays with Morrie

Author: Mitch Albom

Publishing company: Time Warner Books

Year of Publishing: 2006

Number of pages: 210



After three months, I finally finished reading this book. Here's what I got from it:

Each of us has no doubt had that one teacher that really meant a great deal to us, good or bad, for one reason or another.  Morrie Schwartz was the kind of guy who was less likely to ask you for a definition and more likely to ask you for a meaning.  He was less theory and more feeling.  His outlook on life was something recognized as special even before he developed a terminal disease. However, it wasn't until Morrie was diagnosed with Lou Gherig's disease that he achieved immortality.

This really is an amazing story of a teacher giving his final and greatest lesson of all.  Morrie stared death in the eye and refused to blink.  Rather than fear the inevitable he seized every day as though it were his last.  The result is a lesson that we all can take something from to make our own lives a bit more tolerable.  Morrie has lived one of those exemplary lives that everyone attempts to emulate but few succeed in doing so.

Aside from the importance of deeply-experienced relationships, forgiveness of others and self, and giving abundantly to others, Morrie suggests giving up of popular culture and materialism to create one's own culture based on ones meaningful values.

I believe that everyone should read this book.   Not only should just read it, but read it every few years to remind ourselves that life is not about the tangible "things".  I think we all get caught up in our everyday routine and forget to enjoy the simple things that life has to offer us.  Reading this book on occasion will snap us back to think in a very unselfish way and love what life has given us.
