2008年12月18日 星期四


Name of the Book:Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Author:Roald Dahl
Publishing Company:Puffin Books, a division of Penguin Young Readers Group, 2005
Year of Publishing:1964
Illustrator:Quentin Blake, 2005

The story continued with the RJ4. Charlie got the Golden Ticket and was allowed to visit Mr. Wonka's chocolate factory. There were total five children:Augustus, Veruca, Violet, Mike, and of course, Charlie. Every golden-ticket winner could bring one or two relatives with them. Charlie chose his Grandpa Joe to go with him. When this visit was over, everyone would carry enough chocolates home that could eat through your whole life.
During the visit, the four children wouldn't listen to Mr. Wonka's advice and done many silly things. Augutus is a fat, greedy boy. As bending over his body to drink the fluid from the chocolate river, Augutus was suddenly sucked into a pipe. But his figure was too big. So he stuck in the middle of the pipe, and they tried so hard to squeezed him out. And Veruca is a girl who was spoiled by her parents. When she saw the cute little trained squirrels of Mr. Wonka, Veruca insisted that she wanted a trained squirrel just like Mr. Wonka's instant. But her parents couldn't. Veruca was so furious that she decided to catch one from Mr. Wonka's. And then, she fell off into a hole, which lead to the place where to put the garbage. And Violet is chewing-gum girl. She chews the gum all day long. Mr. Wonka had invented a new chocolate chewing gum, as you chew it, you'll feel as you are eating a real meal. But this type of gum was still on the testing period. Violet wouldn't listen to Mr. Wonka. She grabbed the gum and started to chew it. Then, after a minute, she began swelling up like a balloon and her body turned into purple... The fourth child, Mike loves to watch TV and does nothing. When he found that Mr. Wonka could send a bar of chocolate to TV through a camera. He were so excited that jumped into the camera to sent himself to the TV. But when Mike came out from the TV, he was shrunk into no more than one inch tall. Only left Charlie who behaved so well while this great visit. And Mr. Wonka decided to give Charlie a big surprise. That is, when Charlie is old enough, Mr. Wonka will let Charlie run this fantastic chocolate factory!!!!!
"Yeepee!" I shouted like Charlie's Grandpa Joe. When I finished this book, "It's so brilliant!" I think. The novel is more fantastic than the movie. Because in this book, it give the more details about Mr. Wonka's crazy ideas. Though Mr. Wonka is a crazy man, his adventurous spirit is all we need. And the chapter about the television chocolate impressed me the most. I think the author is right. Nowadays, we watch too much television instead of reading, thinking, and imaging. And this TV addicted habit is so hard to quit in a short period. The other reason I love this part because the idea of sending chocolate to TV. Mr. Wonka claimed that he has invented a new way to advertisement. Products would be no more just images from the TV, but real objects you can grab out of the TV screen. If this techonology really exists in our modern world, how cool would the ads be!! Unfortunately, even the latest techonology can't do that. How I wish it would come true!!

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