2008年11月25日 星期二


會計系49777092 Andrea 黃珈瑋 [ACC Girls]
Book: Sex and the City
Authur: Candace Bushnell
Publishing: Grand Central Publishing
First trade paperback edition: 1997
Reissued: July1998, August 2001, May 2008
First U.S mass market edition: August 2006
Reissued: May 2008
First international mass market edition: June 2002
Standing in the foreign languages aisle in 誠品 bookstore, without second thought, I quickly picked up this book, "Sex and the City," which caught my sight immediately. Yes, I've watched the movie, but I still want to read it and, enjoy it again!
Year after year, 20-something women come to New York City, in searching of two l's, labels and love. And so did the main character, Carrie Bradshaw, and her three best friends, Charlotte York, Miranda Hobes, and Samantha Jones. Carrie was a writer who wrote about her friends' stories. And having gotten the knack for labels early, she concentrated on her search for love. Charlotte, who was looking for perfect love,married a Jewish at the end, and adopted a lovely Chinese little girl, Lily. And Miranda was a disciple of tough love, however, she had a shot-gun wedding in the end. As for Samantha, her love was sex, yet she found a man that combined sex and love, a Hollywood star, Smith Jerrod. And she was his manager. And Carrie, she was looking for something big. However, when that big love comes along, it's not always easy. She finally made up with Mr.Big (John), the man whom she dated for ten years. And, they are getting marriage!
After the rough introduction about those four, the story began with Big and Carrie's looking for an apartment in Manhattan,and at last they found a gorgeous penthouse. After discusssing the only disadvantage about it, the small closet, Big said" I got it" just like he was picking up a check for coffee and promised to undo the closet. Carrie was so excited about the new house that she couldn't help but told her sisters to be jealous of her!
That is an impressive start. It's about two grown-ups' deciding to live together, to spend more time with each other. However,the part that attracted me most was the friendship between the four girls. Even time moved them on, they are still they. They get in touch very often, know everything about anyone of them very well, and having a drink or a dinner together just like before. It's the belonging that touch me. Everyone should belong to somewhere in the sociaty. And I am one of my beloved five girls too. I hope that after years, we will be still us just like they were: supporting and listening.
