I`ve been searching for the answer of this question ── how to be a critical thinker and a good learner. I guess that there`s no specific answers but many useful methods that should be tried. Reading this article, I found that there are some strategies I`ve never thought of before, and I should try them. I consider planning my days as an important way to manage my life. I always have a note book with me so that I can know what tasks I should finish today. After I complete the work, I eliminate it on my list. It`s really a great method that I think everybody should try. I am fond of the strategy of viewing frustrations as opportunities , because I am of the opinion that frustrations can be turning points that may lead to success. When I feel frustrated, I admit that the thought of running away have come to my mind, but I seldom give up, because I view it a chance to improve myself. Instead of neglecting it, keeping working on the task with efforts can lead to different and better result. Keeping a journal is the method that I`m doing now. It`s important to me to record information I receive. I`ll make it a habit in my daily life so that I can get important information immediately when it is need. Capturing insights is interesting to me. I`ve tried this strategy, but I usually failed to seize my ideas in time and the ideas just faded away. I want to try it again to record all the ideas that come to my mind. I used to postpone unpleasant tasks, though I knew that it`s not a good habit. I would try this strategy for it seems challenging. My question towards the article is that, in "Plan your days", there are three axioms of efficiency, what does "Simplify what must be done" mean?
In "Reading for understanding", there are four key words in the paragraph ── skim, reflect, read, review. Usually I read the chapter without skimming it, and I underline the sentences that I consider to be important during my first-time reading, and during my second-time reading (review), I will mark what I think to be key words. I think that my method is much easier for me to catch important information and that the method in the paragraph may not be suitable for me because I am of the opinion that it may take much time than my own method. Another question is that, is my thought correct or is there anything I should change in my habit?
49777099 ACC Girls 張耀真 |
2008年11月21日 星期五
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