English Reading Journal 2 Bookl: Alice in Wonderlan Author: Lewis Carrol Publishing Company: Bookman Books, LTD Year of publishing: 1991 Number of pages: 90 Alice in Wonderladn is a fantasy novel. I have never read a fantasy novel before, so entering into the world in this book is a special world to me. I have not finish this book yet, even so I have a little understanding about the main character Alice's personality. As the author description, Alice, a little girl who is curious about everything, often talks to herself, giving herself advises but not obeying her own advises. One afternoon, she is falling down a rabbit-hole and discovering a strange room she has never experienced before. In the beginning, she is so existing that she looks around happily here and there. However, as patience exhausted, Alice becomes so impatient about the odd world, and longs to get out of it to wander a beautiful garden with beds of bright flowers. She tries many methods to enter the beautiful garden over and over again but in vain. Ultimately, she is so disappointed that she cries out loud. That is what I have read during this week. As far as I am concerned, I just don't' like girls like Alice, maybe because when I was a little girl, I have little curiosity unlike Alice. I felt horrible about unfamiliar things so that I always followed the rules instead of being curious about everything. It has pros and cons. As the saying goes, curiosity kills a cat. One may be so curious to lead to a disaster. However, curiosity is the motivation to improvement. 合經一 蔣亞庭 49780037 |