2008年11月6日 星期四

Reading Journal 2林琦鎮

Reading journal 10/24~11/07

Book: Two Strange Tales

Author: Eliade, Mircea

Illustrator: Joe Maloni

Publishing Company: Shambhala Publication, Inc.

Year of Publishing: Unidentified

Word Level: Unidentified

Number of Pages: 130

This time, I have finished the second tale of the book which probed into some kind of religious meditation. A scholar well-informed of the Orient and Rumania investigated a respectable Rumanian who vanished suddenly without leaving a message. The disappearance of the Rumanian was after his experimenting with yogic techniques in search for an invisible world called Shambhala. After the scholar have found the records of some ways to have access to Shambhala and try to tell the Rumanian's wife the whole course, the place where the Rumanian's wife lived suddenly became totally different and nobody could recognized the scholar anymore.

The story was a little bit hard in its vocabularies and sentence structures, so I spent more time than expected to finish this one. It is also a weird story that I indulge myself in brainstorming what the result might be as I read the book. It inspired my imagination. Though the story was a fabrication, yogic techniques made me feel interested in meditation since it may occur something magical that always delights me. While the story also soaked me into it, the ending was complicated to comprehend. I was wondering how a magic could not only make a person invisible also change the environment and one's memory.

I have finished my first English novel in university and found that I progressed a lot compared to my reading ability in high school life. Reading a novel with great concentration may improve my efficiency. I am trying hard to keep a long time reading and accelerate my reading speed. I believe that throughout this semester, I will definitely have a big progress in my English ability.

Sharing the content with my friends is interesting. Since my novel is creeping and wizardly, my friends are also appealed to it. I am going to choose a new book well-known and somewhat magical or historical. With the former, I can soar in the imaginative world with great interest. With the latter, I can get more knowledge about the past world than before.


1 則留言:

郁雰 提到...

Hi!I'm Finn黃郁雰. I want to know that if you look up vocabularies on dictionaries after reading this book or not?